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Send me a message

    Enku Shoji tattooing


    Fill out the form to book your free, no obligation consultation with Enku. He is in the studio from Saturday until Wednesday and will do his best to work out a time that suits your schedule. Please note that if you would like to make a booking a cash deposit is necessary.

    Our address

    1 Pemberton Street,
    Botany 2019

    Call: 02 9316 4565
    Email: info@enkutattoo.com

    Enku Social

    Tom Wilson

    Tom Wilson
    May 31, 2018 dave

    Got my tattoo done by Enku. Went in there with a few example pieces for reference and a vague idea in my head of what i wanted. Enku managed to convert that into an amazing design & tattoo. Completely exceeded my expectations.
    Besides being a great professional he seems to be a top bloke, nice to chat with and facilitates a great experience.
    I havn’t used any of the other artists but i’m sure they would also provide an exemplary level of service.
    5/5 would recommend to anyone.