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Send me a message

    Enku Shoji tattooing


    Fill out the form to book your free, no obligation consultation with Enku. He is in the studio from Saturday until Wednesday and will do his best to work out a time that suits your schedule. Please note that if you would like to make a booking a cash deposit is necessary.

    Our address

    1 Pemberton Street,
    Botany 2019

    Call: 02 9316 4565
    Email: info@enkutattoo.com

    Enku Social

    About Enku

    Enku Shoji tattooing

    Having grown up in a family of professional artists, Enku went on to complete a diploma of design which saw him through nearly a decade of design work in the surf and skate industry.

    In 2009, he made the decision to move into tattooing, and has carved out a name for himself doing Japanese style tattoos. The common element in Enku’s work is a boldness and legibility in the design, drawing strong influence from the traditional Japanese imagery of his heritage.

    However, his background in dealing with clients in the design industry, and experience in street shops make him quite versatile across different styles, and he is known for giving people a positive experience.

    Enku works at Lighthouse tattoo in Sydney Australia.